Yashiro (in London) to Mary Berenson

59 The Vale
Golders Green

9 Sept. 1924

Dear Signora Berenson,

I hasten to tell you that the two packets of the Study of the Oriental Art have already arrived here. Their quick arrival is as unexpected as welcome. I thank you and Mr. Berenson very, very much again. Don’t be in the least uneasy about the safe presentation of your copy & I shall send it back to you as soon I finish the negotiation with the publishers.

As my collaboration in the enterprise, either Waley or Laurence Binyon would take up the work; perhaps, the latter. But really I must confess that I am myself hesitating. Because, if I begin this work, it would tie me down in Japan for some years, and you know only too well that my earnest desire is to come back to Europe. The work itself is really worth doing -- I think it is the best way in which I can contribute to the cause of the world’s art, if I can do at all. Should I really sacrifice my pleasure of staying in Europe, for this work. I will decide in one of these days.

Your very kind letter has set me entirely at ease, & I heaved a sigh of relief. As to my lectures in America, at present this capricious Yashiro is again hesitating. I may do it, or may not. Now I became reluctant to do any effort to undertake it. I shall wait for the chance. If it comes, I will try what I can. Your practical advices how to prepare for the public lecture were most valuable to this unexperienced “lecturer”. I felt your kindness to this naughty boy more keenly than ever.

I am rigorously working on “Botticelli”. I think I cannot leave for Japan for another month. I am drudging like a regular “Impiegato”!

How is Mr. Berenson? Would he think of me sometimes? I wonder if he got the Vatican Dante drawings photos which I sent him some weeks ago. I think I may send him some other photos not long hence.

I saw Mr. Maclagan of the South Kensington Museum, whom I had met in I Tatti. He is so nice & he helped me, when I went to him to get his opinion on some Florentine sculptures to which I wanted to refer in my “Botticelli”.

Good-bye dear Madame and remember me to Mr. Berenson.


P.S. I enclose one small photo of a Botticelli school picture, not contained in B.B.’s library.