Bernard Berenson (in Settignano) to Yashiro

I Tatti

July 3, 1957

My very dear Yashiro,

Thank you for yours of June 27th. I am deeply distressed to learn that, young as you are, you are feeling about as feeble and incompetent as I, who am now in my 93rd year. I know from my own experience how dreadful it is to be eager for work yet unable to do it, to have one’s mind teeming with all sorts of plans which must remain untouched.

Please, I beg of you not to worry about the Japanese edition of my Italian Painters. If it does come off I shall be delighted but I infinitely prefer your repose of mind to your feeling anxious about it.

Do everything you can to restore your health and to take up again your work on Chinese art. Nobody alive is so fit for that task. I regret to say that I am deeply disappointed in Siren’s first volume on Chinese painting.

My most respectful remembrances, and Nicky’s as well, to your wife.

With every good wishes,

Affectionately yours,
