Milan Dear Mrs. Berenson, Oh the delight of coming back to the Sunny Italy after a stay in England. You may well imagine how my heart throbbed yesterday running down the southern slope of the White Alps into Lombardia. I shall arrive in Firenze Tuesday. I cannot resist to stay one extra night over here to hear Toscanini in Gluck’s Orfeo in the Scala. I am satisfied with everything in Firenze, except with Music. There one gets the hunger of music. Once in Florence I shall be all in all with my work. This romantic wandering temperament of mine finds himself settled for work now, this is a rare thing, & I must make the most of it. On this first morning in Italy, where I am enjoying the real sun-shine after many months, I could not help imagining my pleasant and studious days in Florence and in I Tatti, where you used to treat me with such kindness and help. So I took up my pen and wrote down this short-scrawl, just to express the faithful attachment which I feel ever to you and B.B. Anticipating the pleasure of seeing you soon, I remain, Yours ever, Sincerely, Y. Yashiro P.S. Last summer I had ordered a photographer in Milan to take several details of the Ambrosiana Tondo of Botticelli. I saw him yesterday. He was full of excuse & the photos were not yet done. His excuse was charming; he was too busy to do it -- as if in this half a year he had no time to go to the Ambrosiana which is only ten minutes off. I was more amused than angry. |