c/o The Medici Society Dear Mr. B. Berenson, This is again going to be a short letter. You know quite well my desire to continue that publication on Oriental art, “Study of Oriental Art”. I talked it over with Arthur Waley. He took such an interest in it & he is willing to work for it as the editor for European Edition, while I work as the editor in Japan. Waley is pretty sure that the Benn Brothers will guarantee for 500 copies & by that the continuation of the publication becomes not only possible but quite secure for the original Japanese publisher. Waley & I decided to speak to the Benn Brothers of the scheme, & for that purpose, it is necessary to show to the director of the oriental department of the Benn Brothers, what I have done in the past 2 years of its publication. Unfortunately you are the only person who owns the book, B.M. has not got it. Can I ask you to lend me for some short time your copy of the Study of the Oriental Art. It is a large book and I am so sorry to cause you the trouble of sending it to me. But as Waley & I decided that to show the book to the Benn Brothers is essentially necessary to make them take real interest in the work & to let it go on, I dare to ask you the favor. I am to stay in London till the end of September. Excuse me this hasty way of writing; I am really in a hurry to ask you and to borrow the book. Yours ever faithfully, Y. Yashiro P.S. Of the N. G. photos, I applied for the official permission to get them done. But the answer was, they cannot do them before the middle of October, as the official photographer is busy. I will try again, & endeavor to get them done earlier.