[letterhead: Hotel Societetshuset/ Helsingfors] Dear Mr. B. Berenson, This is to say goodbye to you before my final departure for the East. I take train for Leningrad to-night, thence towards Moscow, Manchuria, Korea & Japan. I recollect with pleasure the nice afternoon I spent at I Tatti in February. I shall ever retain the advices you gave me there. My “Institute of Art Research” is eagerly waiting for me. The building is nearly finished. You will hear by & by of my activity in the field of Oriental art with what training I have had, studying European Art under your influence. Please tell Mrs. Berenson that I am very sorry being unable to meet her at Florence & that I sincerely wish for her quick recovery. Please tell Miss Mariano that she can write to me at any time for whatever thing I can do from my distant country. I have decided to prove myself a better correspondent from now! Good-bye & all my best wishes to you, Yours most sincerely, Yukio Yashiro |