No. 1017 Oiso, Kanagawaken, Japan. Sept. 23. Dear B.B., Coming back home after three weeks’ stay at a hospital, where I had a surgical operation, I found out to my great joy a parcel from you, containing your two books, Vedere & Sapere, and Alberto Sani, had arrived during my absence. Besides the pleasure of having by my side the proofs of the mental activities of my master at his high age, which would open my eyes to new fields of intellectual life, I am deeply touched by the fact that this old pupil of you is still and ever in the master’s mind and kindly thought of always. I shall begin to read them immediately. More particularly I am interested to read your book on Sani, whose works, shown in the illustrations, are very very interesting, and I am curious, what mental reactions you get from them. Thank heaven! My recent operation seems successful, and I feel that I am stirring again. All these years, I have been ailing more or less, especially after an unsuccessful operation of last December, which almost forbad me to move about for the last nine months. Now I can go to Italy! As I told you before, I am invited by Dr. Tucci to come to Italy & to give some lectures on Far Eastern Arts at his Institute of Middle & Far East. Now I can definitely accept his invitation, if my Government would pay my traveling expenses. Perhaps I shall get them. My present plan, which is not definite yet, is to go to Italy in December. (England in November, France in January, & U.S.A. in February). In your former letter, you very kindly invited me to be your guest at I Tatti, if and when I come to Florence. I wonder, if I can have the pleasure of staying at I Tatti for sometime during December? If I visit you at I Tatti & see you there, my young days of study there in the library and of walks through cypresses and olives in the garden and of the pleasant & enlightening talks with you and Mrs. Berenson and Miss Nicchi Mariano, would come back to my memory again after 30 years. My friend in England, hearing of my plan of trip to Europe, arranged some lectures at Courtauld Institute or elsewhere, which enabled me to go there. In these days a man of the conquered country as Japan can go abroad only with good cultural reasons. I hasten to post this letter, in order to let you know of my very probable visit to you, as quickly as possible. Please remember me to Miss Nicchi & other friends of mine in Florence, in case you meet them. Your ever faithful pupil, Yukio Yashiro |