Palermo, June 8. ’53 My dear Yashiro, On arriving here day before yesterday I found your note of May 28. I hasten to assure you that you enjoy my complete confidence. I understand fully all the economic difficulties in the way of bringing out a Japanese version of my Italian Painters. And no less the perhaps insurmountable difficulties in making an adequate translation of such a work. Yet if anyone can achieve both, it is you, and I leave everything most happily in your hands. We have been wandering about in this fascinating island, and now are here to enjoy the ravishing beauty of the place, and its works of art. Nowhere else do Greek and Byzantine, Arabic and French, Italian and Spanish meet harmoniously as they do here, and I am especially interested in the meeting and blending of different civilizations. “Lotto” is at the printer, (in Italian) and will be ready in Sept. and I look forward to sending you a copy. Every good wish from Nicky as well as, B.B. |