Bernard Berenson (in Settignano) to Yashiro

Yashiro's Study of the Annunciation in Art (1952), mentioned in this letter, was sent to Berenson with a handwritten dedication by the author. A sketch of Yashiro by Dario Neri was found in the book. The sketch was presumably made when Yashiro visited I Tatti in 1956; see below.

Settignano, Jan. 4, 55 

My dear Yashiro,

I received your letter of Dec. 1 just as I had a fall over a precipice. It did not kill me, but shook me up so that I had been unable to write earlier. I still suffer a good deal but hope for the best.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I sympathize with you & your dear wife over the death of a beautiful, beloved daughter. Time only can cure such ravages.

Thanks in advance for your book on the Annunciation. There is no reason why you should not get out an English version. In our library you will find all the literature on the subject up to date. I used not tell you how welcome you will be when you come again. Could you not get a Fulbright or Guggenheim or any other fellowship to enable you to remain abroad for a year or two?

Instead of a preface I send a dedication to your self that tells, it seems to me, all I need say. If not satisfactory, do not hesitate to say so. You can make any addition of fact that you like.

With every good wish for January & yours,

