Bernard Berenson (in Vallombrosa) to Yashiro

Vallombrosa, Aug. 15. 55

My dear Yashiro,

I am always delighted to hear from you. John Coolidge is in a villino on my grounds, and spends his working days in the Library of I Tatti. He was here a few days ago, and I told him how you feared you might find no publisher for a book in English on the art of the Far East. He agreed with me that there would be no difficulty in getting it published. Quite the contrary!

I fear that when I die my successor at I Tatti will not be so eager as I am to furnish the library with the indispensable books on Chinese and Japanese art. That is why to the extent of my financial means I am eager to do it myself. I hope the catalogue of Venetian painting will be ready to go to press before the end of the year. It will have about 1200 reproductions. The “Lotto” should be ready by the late autumn, and one of the first copies will be dispatched to you.

Have confidence in yourself and in your task, and keep well.

